June 24, 2023

[Review] Nothing But the Truth - Holly James

Summary: It’s the eve of Hollywood publicist Lucy Green’s thirtieth birthday, a day she hopes will bring the promotion she deserves and a proposal from her boyfriend. But he stands her up for a date, not for the first time, leaving Lucy alone at the bar—or at least, alone with the handsome bartender on the other side of the counter—so she makes a rueful wish over her cocktail for a perfect birthday. But when Lucy’s wish is granted in the most unexpected way, things go terribly awry, as things often do when wishes come true….
When Lucy wakes up on her big day, she can’t seem to force herself to go through her rigorous fitness and beauty routines—things she usually tells herself she likes. She has no desire to eat only a spoonful of yogurt for breakfast and she simply can’t bear to put on the uncomfortable shapewear needed for the power outfit she had planned for work. 
Then Lucy arrives at the office, and she realizes that not only can she no longer lie to herself, she can’t lie to anyone else, either. Not her clients, not her boyfriend, not her creep of a boss. Now that she can’t hide how she feels, Lucy must confront all the injustices—small and large—she’s faced on a daily basis at work, in her relationship, and in every other aspect of her life...and the truth is going to come out in a big way.
This sharp, bighearted, and magical novel tackles all the lies women are encouraged to tell just to get by in today’s world—in life, in love, and in the workplace—and the liberation that can come from telling nothing but the truth.
(Pub Date: Jul 12 2022)


I had so much fun reading this.

Lucy is a publicist and after a drink at a bar, she can't lie anymore. Even though it's a big day for her, even though one of her bosses keep coming onto her and she could lose her job, she just can't lie. 

3.5 rounded up.

I can't call this creative, it's pretty much the romantic comedy you'll expect. The romance isn't even that romantic, I was hoping for more thrill in the department. However, I had a great time following Lucy as she grows more and more desperate about what to do with her new curse and how to solve it.

This was my first book by Holly James, but I'm very interested in her style for chick lit. If you're more into funny scenarios than falling for Mr. Right, you'll like this book. But there is a Mr. Right, don't worry.

Honest review based on an ARC provided by Netgalley. Many thanks to the publisher for this opportunity.

Rating: 4 out of 5.

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