Review Policy/Submit

We only accept ebooks for reviewing purposes. We will consider each request, which doesn't mean we will accept anything and much less that we will review everything. Send us your summary, story length and desired deadline; we will answer you ASAP.

Should we review, it will be published here and on our personal account at Goodreads.

It will be amazing working with you. Read the details below and contact us on annabastosoa [at] gmail [dot] com 

Preferred genres

 (meaning these have a great chance of being accepted)

Contemporary YA! ♥♥♥
Chick lit - you know, those stories full of wit, as opposed to regular romances.
LGBT - but not the erotica type.

You will waste our time if it is...

Non fiction - including biographies
New Adult - those centering on the erotic scenes
Anything too erotic, really. No.

How our ratings work:

1 - Just stay away
2 - This was bad but reasonably readable if you still want to risk
3 - Average book but recommendable for those with lower expectations [this is what your book will usually get]
4 - Strongly recommended
5 - WOW, I WILL NEVER FORGET THIS!!!!!!!! [You have no idea how rare this is]