March 24, 2021

[Review] With You All the Way - Cynthia Hand

Ada’s life is a mess. She just caught her boyfriend cheating on her after a humiliating attempt at losing her virginity, and she’s had it up to here with her perfect older sister trying to give her advice about, well, sex.

But things really hit the fan during a family vacation in Hawaii, where Ada makes a heinous discovery: her mom is having an affair. Apparently, no one can keep themselves from falling into bed with people they shouldn’t, so Ada decides it’s time for her to stop trying and start doing—sex, that is. But her best laid plans don’t quite leave room for the truth: feelings, romantic or not, always get in the way. (Pub Date: Mar 30, 2021)

I like Cynthia Hand's books, it's like a guarantee it's going to be good and this one hasn't failed. But it's also a guarantee it's not going to be extraordinary. 

3+, because it was a delight to read but the story wasn't all that. 

I feel the summary already covers the story well, Ada found out her boyfriend and the whole relationship really wasn't all what she thought to be and she's heartbroken when she gets to her family vacation in Hawaii. It's when she proposes one of the guys in the tour group they have sex, so she can get her first time over with. 

The book focus a lot on family too, Ada's relationship with her mother and her sister is a very important plot point, especially when she discovers her mother is having an affair. To be honest, that's what irked me a little away from the book. Although it's great to discuss some topics with kids, the way it's presented isn't healthy in my opinion and made me frown for a long part of the book, even while I already understood what the author's intention was. Or maybe exactly because of it I kept doubting all that wasn't necessary. 

As for the romance, it's cute but at the same time it's not that much because of the state of Ada's mind. And Cynthia Hand being really good at depicting teenagers in crisis got in the way of it all, it's hard to cheer for a romance when it's all so twisted: she'd just found out her boyfriend was cheating on her and her mother was having an affair, plus her beloved sister is acting weird and distant, not the right mind to fall for anyone. Still, they have their moments and it's pretty cute (until you remember how wrong that timing is). 

Above everything, it's a quick read that explores family, growing up, all topics YA books are usually too shallow to deal with, but we still get romance. As I mentioned, Cynthia Hand writes good books even if they aren't 5-star. 

Honest review based on an ARC provided by Edelweiss. Many thanks to the publisher for this opportunity.

Rating: 3 out of 5.

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