March 6, 2021

[Review] Hot British Boyfriend - Kristy Boyce

After a horrifying public rejection by her crush, Ellie Nichols does what any girl would do: she flees the country. To be more precise, she joins her high school’s study abroad trip to England. While most of her classmates are there to take honors courses and pad their college applications, Ellie is on a quest to rebuild her reputation and self-confidence. And nothing is more of a confidence booster than getting a hot British boyfriend.

When Ellie meets Will, a gorgeous and charming Brit, she vows to avoid making the same mistakes as she did with the last guy she liked. Which is why she strikes up a bargain with Dev, an overachieving classmate who she’s never clicked with, but who does seem to know a lot about the things Will is interested in—if he helps her win over her crush, then she’ll help him win over his.

But even as Ellie embarks on a whirlwind romance, one that takes her on adventures to some of England’s most beautiful places, she still needs to figure out if this is actually the answer to all her problems…and whether the perfect boyfriend is actually the perfect boy for her. (Pub Date: Feb 09, 2021)

A fun YA about finding out what you really want. 
Ellie is dealing with a lot when her best friend steals the guy who had been leading her on for a long time. That's why she decides to join the really smart in the exchange program in England. She decides she'll meet a hot British boyfriend there to forget, and she does meet Will. But she's not herself whenever they are together and even takes classes with her new friend Dev so she can fool Will...
 This was just the story I needed, really. It was strangely fun, because a lot of it was Ellie finding out how to study properly and get better grades—and even more strangely, I kept wishing I were in her shoes—, but also because reading about exchange programs is always great. 

This story doesn't reach Anna and The French Kiss level, but it'll probably please fans of that book. No cheating in this one, which is a plus (it does get dangerous, but I promise you there's no cheating). 

Aside from the studying part, the characters were also fun. I wish they had been more developed, but they were far from shallow. It's just that I liked them so much I wanted more. Ellie's group of friends was that endearing. 

As for romance, I wasn't into her scenes with Will, but this is a love triangle and my heart rapidly chose the other part,. I confess I wasn't sure who her final choice could be, I usually do for these stories, which made the reading more exciting too (not that it was a huge surprise but having room for doubt does have its advantages). 

The plot itself isn't new or memorable, but I'm thankful for the great fun this reading was. I've gotten so many slow reads these last months, I needed this recharge. Highly recommended for anyone also needing a boost in your reads, and this was a very entertainingly cute one.

Honest review based on an ARC provided by Edelweiss. Many thanks to the publisher for this opportunity.

Rating: 4 out of 5.

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